Azure AD App Registration

The Make application is managed by an application object in the Azure portal through the App Registrations experience. Application objects describe the application to Azure AD and can be considered the definition of the application, allowing the service to know how to issue tokens to the application based on its settings. The Make app registration has the following information configured during the installation by script

Property Value
Logo AppLogo.png from the install folder
Redirect URIs [Azure Web App URL]
[Azure Web App URL]/frameRedirect.html
Secret Name: Primary
Expires: 1, 2 years after installation date (or never)
Value: Hidden. Logged during installation
Certificate Generated during installation.
Owners The account used during installation
OAuth2 Allow Implicit Flow (see manifest) True
User Assignments Yes

API Permissions

The Make application has the following API permissions configured:
Microsoft Graph

Permission Name Type
Access directory as the signed in user Delegated
Read and write directory data Application
Read and write all groups Application
Read and write all OneNote notebooks Application
Read and write all users' full profiles Application


Permission Name Type
Read and write items and lists in all site collections Delegated
Read and write user files Delegated
Have full control of all site collections Application
Read and write items and lists in all site collections Application
Read items in all site collections Application
Read and write items in all site collections Application
Read managed metadata Application
Read and write managed metadata Application
Read user profiles Delegated
Read user profiles Application
Read and write user profiles Application
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