Changes in 6.1
- Updated to latest CSOM Packages for SP Online, 16.1.20122.12000
- Updated to latest PnP Packages, version 3.22.2006.2
- Added the option to add members and owners to the TeamsChannel entity
- Added the option to create Private channels
- External users will now be encoded by Make when adding external users to an office365 group or a team. No need to escape manually
- Site provisioning to tenant admin site will be blocked
- Regular expression validation added to input fields in Make UI
- Fixed a bug where configuration result would not be properly saved to History when using a GraphProvider
- Fixed a bug where the xml would not be properly validated when using a GraphProvider
- Fixed a bug where OneNote tabs would not be correctly created
- The Make version number is now shown in the UI
- Added better error handling for on-prem worker
- Fixed a bug where SiteOwner was overwritten when creating a Group using playlist, this causes a warning in the admin site.
- Fixed a bug where Navigation node would ignore the query, now it uses path and query
- Fixed a bug where Unified Group member provisioning would fail on service principals